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  • Writer's pictureMark Naccarato

The Klingon Way @ Free Comic Book Day!

It was a cold and rainy morning at Rick's Comic City on Free Comic Book Day in Nashville TN, but that didn't stop comic, gaming, and sci-fi fans from pouring in to the store by the hundreds! I got to Rick's about ten minutes after the doors opened and there was a line that ran a hundred feet or so down the sidewalk. By the time I left the store three hours later, the long procession of humans and superhumans in front Rick's didn't look like it had even moved at all!

There was some cool cosplay action at Comic City. Aside from the Batmen and the Wonder Women, I also spotted Deadpool and Negan among the other mutants and aliens packed in to the store. Several awesome comic artists were doing sketches and there was definitely a party atmosphere around the whole place as people dug for their favorite comics and toys. The highlight for me though was getting to hang out with my two favorite Klingons - Buddy (that's not his Klingon name, btw) and his wife Kathy from the Klingon Assault Group's IKV Predator. Buddy and Kathy were decked out in the best Klingon armor that the 23rd century has to offer and I am so grateful that they invited me to share a merch table with them. Watching the two of them enthusiastically hand out their own Star Trek comic books to the kids in the store, free of charge, reminded me of some of Trek's core values... sharing, educating our children (even if it's just getting them to read a comic), and making connections with new people. Buddy and Kathy were both great ambassadors for their KAG club and I was exceptionally grateful to pick Kathy's brain on what to expect at my first Treklanta. I can't wait to see what this "Romulan Tea Party" thing is going to be like!

So I offer a hearty qatlho' (thank you) to Buddy and Kathy for hosting TRW at their table. And to Rick and his team for pulling off such a well-run, well-attended event.

Until next FCBD... Q'apla!

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