Well, it's official. After much debate among the Admirals at last night's meeting, we've decided to officially change the name of the project to THE ROMULAN WAR.
The series' title has been an ongoing source of stress for me for over a decade. In that time, TRW has gone by multiple working titles. The one we had just been using until yesterday was the lengthy "RAPTOR'S WING: THE ROMULAN WAR". Before that, it had been called "STAR TREK: RAPTOR'S WING" and before that it was "RAPTOR". The very first working title used in the first completed draft of the script was "STARFLEET'S SECRET FILES: THE ROMULAN WAR" all the back in 2009 and before that I had just been referring to it informally as "My Romulan War thing".
Ironically, we've come full circle and luckily the appropriate domain names were available. It was my friend Debbie Lorentson who broke the logjam on the title dilemma. She's known to be pretty blunt at times and she laid it all out pretty neatly: "Search results, Mark! Are you targeting Star Trek fans or Jurassic Park fans? Then it needs to be the Romulan War!" Well said, Deb... well said.
